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save the dateAUGUST 19-242025

open singing | concerts

appetizer workshops | festival ateliers

At the VoiceUp A Capella Festival, concerts, workshops, ateliers, open singing, and parties - everything we're looking forward to will be in the very center of Istanbul! From August 19 to 24, 2025, the main venues located in Şişli, Beşiktaş, and Beyoğlu, on the European Side, these hip and popular areas of the city will turn into a vocal music campus for a week!

Deadline is 31st of March!

​In August 2023, we had the best summer ever, with 550 musicians from 25 countries participating. You can experience a glimpse of this fun by watching our festival movie:

Contact us to meet online. Let's have a chat about the festival and plan your concerts! 

Apply to the festival:


be the first one to know

see you soon!

bomonti, istanbul




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